Weight Filler

This technology is ideal for filling granular products, in pieces, and in general for all those applications where the weight inside the container must be guaranteed.
For example, weight filling is used for soluble preparations, spices, chopped fruit and vegetables.
The main characteristic of this type of machines is their accuracy, as they are able to ensure the weight of the packaged product with very high precision.
Ease of use, extremely rapid format change and wide customisation possibilities are the main characteristics of the FMT weight filler range.
Within the FMT range, the weight technology is declined in the linear version, for medium-low speeds, and in the rotary version, for higher speeds.
Different customisation options are available for this type of filler, depending on the type of product to be filled or the container to be processed.

The FMT weight fillers are available in two different versions
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Vacuum filler

Questa tecnologia è ideale per colmare i contenitori in vetro, plastica o metallo con differenti tipi di liquido di governo per prodotti come verdura, frutta, tonno e carne.
I liquidi di governo impiegati solitamente sono aceto, olio, salamoia, salse e sciroppi.
L’operazione di colmatura avviene dopo aver aspirato l’aria esistente dentro al contenitore in cui è già presente il prodotto principale.
L’aria residua presente all’interno dello spazio di testa viene invece eliminata con un getto di vapore prima della chiusura del contenitore stesso (tramite capsulatrice o aggraffatrice).
La costruzione modulare ed estremamente personalizzabile delle colmatrici FMT le rende idonee ad essere utilizzate tanto nelle linee ad alta velocità quanto in quelle a medio- bassa capacità produttiva.
Per tutte le applicazioni in cui il dosaggio del liquido di governo sottovuoto non è richiesto, FMT è in grado di offrire ai propri clienti anche soluzioni con colmatrici lineari a pioggia.
In relazione alla tipologia di prodotto da riempire o al contenitore da lavorare, sono disponibili diverse opzioni, tra cui:
- Predisposizione CIP per lavaggio interno tramoggia ed esterno
- Gruppo di preparazione e riscaldamento dei liquidi di governo

Linear Vibration Filler

This technology is ideal for filling vegetable and fruit products such as, for example, cucumbers, onions, pickled vegetables, olives, artichokes, mushrooms.
Using the gravity technology for filling, the Vibration Linear Filler also has the advantage of being very sturdy and an user-friendly equipment for the operators.
Its main characteristic is the flexibility; this technology can be used to fill different types of products and containers, without having to change the format.
The filling technology by vibration has been developed for both low and high speed.
The Filler has different customisation options in relation to the type of product to be filled, such as:
- Filling with a vibrating or belt surface
- Tubular frame
- Adjustable conveyor frame on wheels
- Special “clean-design” conveyors suitable for automatic washing with spray-ball and scrapers
- Hopper and filling section on wheels
- Conveyor easy to remove for inspection
- Hopper automatic washing system
- Product distribution with stainless steel vibrating surface.
- Product distribution with motorised belt conveyor.
- Product distribution with special “Clean design” belt conveyor

The various Linear Vibration Filler models can be found in two versions:
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