The FMT capping machines, entirely manufactured in stainless steel, are designed to permit the closing with or without steam of glass bottles and jars, through different types of caps.
The consolidated reliability, the easy format change and the high levels of vacuum and hygiene achieved, make these machines particularly suitable for the canned food and beverage sectors.
Thanks to the flexibility and modularity of their range, FMT Capping machines can be used both in low speed and high speed lines (up to 800 cpm).
Based on the different needs, in terms of production capacity and autonomy, different feeding models can be supplied with the machines.
The FMT feeders allow the automatic and uniform feeding of caps, from the loading hopper to the capping machine, orienting them correctly.
Depending on the speeds and on the required autonomy, various models make up the range of FMT caps feeders, with a production range reaching up to 900 cpm.
Since the FMT feeders can be installed in a close or remote position with respect to the Capping machines, they are proposed and designed according to the available spaces and to the specifications of each project.

The Twist Off Capping machines can be found in four versions: